Saturday, November 01, 2014

My Review - At Bluebonnet Lake

3 out of 5 stars
AT BLUEBONNET LAKE is a sweet romance, predictable but enjoyable.
Kate Sherwood is on her way up.  An advertising professional, she’s close to her goal of making partner with her current firm.  The last thing she wants to do is go off the grid for a month, but that’s what she has to do.  She’s promised to accompany her grandmother to Rainbow’s End, a resort in Texas that hold fond memories for her.  What Kate’s not ready for is to spend time in a rundown ranch with very little charm and no internet or cell reception.  Doing her best to enjoy herself and time spent with her grandmother, it gets a little easier when Kate meets Greg, another guest of the ranch.  Encouraged by her matchmaking grandmother to spend time with Greg, Kate does, but has no interest it striking up a romance.  Texas is a long way from Manhattan, and that’s where she’ll be returning after the month is over.  Or so she thinks.
I enjoyed AT BLUEBONNET LAKE for its simplicity.  There were no amazing hooks or plot twists but that didn’t lessen my enjoyment.  We, as the readers, know what Greg’s background is, even if Kate doesn’t.  We are just waiting for the time she finds out and what her reaction will be.  I enjoyed the simple town feel of this story.  I could picture the town of Dupree and enjoyed the secondary characters Ms. Cabot highlighted from the town.  The relationship between Kate’s grandmother and Roy was sweet and added to the overall enjoyable of the story.  Like I said, no surprise twists or turns, just a simple story of love found in unexpected places.

1 comment:

Amanda Cabot said...

Thanks so much for taking the time to read and review my book. I appreciate it!