Friday, June 28, 2024

My Review - Hidden in the Night by Elizabeth Goddard


4 out of 5 stars

HIDDEN IN THE NIGHT by Elizabeth Goddard concludes the Missing in Alaska series. A suspenseful book, full of twists and turns, and a hero and heroine grappling with a tug-a-war romance.

Ivy Elliott has returned to Alaska. Not as an FBI agent, but in search of an unpublished Jack London manuscript that she wants to bring home to her mother. However, when she gets to Alaska the manuscript is gone, a young girl is missing, and a murder emphasizes the direness of the situation. The only bright light in the situation is seeing Nolan Long again.

Nolan Long is on the verge of a vacation; a vacation he plans to use to travel to Florida to pursue Ivy Elliott, the one who got away. When Ivy shows up in Alaska, he’s shocked. When they stumble across a murder, he’s concerned. When Ivy becomes the next target, Nathan is afraid something is going to happen to her before he can share his true feelings. Together, Ivy and Nolan embark on a frigid race against time to find a missing girl before it’s too late.

MISSING IN THE NIGHT is filled with suspense, intrigue, twists and turns, all taking place in the beauty of the Alaskan wilderness. Ivy and Nolan both have feelings for each other. However, Ivy in Florida and Nolan in Alaska puts a whole new meaning on a long-distance relationship. With mixed signals between them, each struggle to keep their current working relationship professional. Second guessing if they could really make it work, Ivy and Nolan tried to ignore the obvious; the fact that they are in love with each other but with distance being the biggest obstacle in pursuing a future together.

I enjoyed HIDDEN IN THE NIGHT. I liked the suspense, but there were a lot of characters and plot twists to try and keep straight. I’m not a fan of what I call push-and-pull romances, where the characters internalize all their processing and second guess the viability of a relationship, but the down to earth characteristics of Ivy and Nolan made up for it. HIDDEN IN THE NIGHT is an easy read with an adventurous plot, and storytelling that immerses you in the picturesque Alaskan wilderness.

I received a copy of this book from the publisher in exchange for an honest review. All opinions are my own.

Sunday, April 28, 2024

My Review - Sandcastle Inn by Irene Hannon

3.5 out of 5 stars

SANDCASTLE INN, the tenth installment in the Hope Harbor series from Irene Hannon, was an enjoyable read. However, it didn’t hold my attention like most Irene Hannon books. 

Vienna Price finds herself needing time to regroup after being let go from her dream job. Home isn’t exactly where she was wants to go because of the tenuous relationship she has with her mom, but Hope Harbor is where she ends up.

Matt Quinn’s trip to Hope Harbor could be perceived as altruistic in nature. His sister’s B&B is failing, and an emergency has her needing time away. He agrees to step in and hold down the fort, but his own struggles have him needing this time to reflect on where he’s heading. Both Vienna and Matt end up in Hope Harbor by circumstances out of their control, but once there, their worlds overlap in a unique way. Though they both feel an electricity between them, they know their stay is temporary. No sense starting something that has no future. However, as time marches on, they each find themselves rethinking what it is they want in life, and where it is they’ll find it. Hope Harbor was supposed to be a temporary destination, but true to its name, maybe it’s where Vienna and Matt will find “hope” for a new beginning.

I liked the characters, the setting, and the storyline of SANDCASTLE INN, but somehow, it seemed to be missing depth. When the reader finally finds out why Matt feels so guilt-ridden, it seems his character is suddenly ready to move on. It was like a flip of a switch. I felt the same way about Vienna’s character. The setup is that she is very career driven, and we see that to start with, but then all of a sudden, she is ready to change her whole future because of her attraction for Matt. It just didn’t seem to be a natural progression. It felt abrupt. On the other hand, the secondary characters of Andrew and Paige seemed to have a more poignant depth to their storyline. Their story tugged at my heart, and I cheered for them when their lives started turning around. Their victories seemed sweeter because you felt their struggle.

SANDCASTLE INN was still an enjoyable read, just not as riveting as most Irene Hannon books.

Though I was given a copy of this book from the publisher in exchange for a review, all thoughts and opinions are my own.

Saturday, March 30, 2024

My Review - Never Fall Again by Lynn H. Blackburn


5 out of 5 Stars

NEVER FALL AGAIN by Lynn H. Blackburn has all the key points in a romance/suspense novel. Intriguing characters. Creative plot. Interesting twists. Great chemistry! Definitely a great start to a new series.

Landry Hutton and her daughter Eliza have flown under the radar for three years. As the artist-in-residence at an exclusive resort, Landry has worked at building her career and her foundation for a new life. Just as she is ready to make her life in Gossamer Falls permanent, her studio is destroyed in a fire—but it was no accident. Landry’s immediate response is to run, but Callum Shaw provides for her stability she never even dreamed of. Even though she knows with the baggage she carries, she can’t allow a deeper relationship to form, having Callum at her side allows her some time to plan her next steps.

Callum Shaw is not looking for a relationship, especially one with a child involved. Though he thinks Landry is incredible and Eliza is the sweetest little girl, his heart has been badly scarred by a previous relationship. Not willing to put himself through the devastation another relationship could bring, he and Landry decide friendship is all they can ever have. Even as Landry and Callum work to define boundaries in their relationship, threats against Landry continue to escalate. Knowing his heart is already attached to Landry and Eliza, Callum makes it his mission to not only protect the both of them, but to find out who is behind the deadly threats and stop them before it’s too late.

NEVER FALL AGAIN is packed with action and emotion. Callum’s family welcomes Landry and Eliza with open arms, immediately giving Landry a glimpse of what a normal life could be like when surrounded by family and friends. And considering Callum’s family is one of the esteemed families in Gossamer Falls, they both are lavished with love, acceptance, and a real sense of belonging. Landry is convinced this is where she wants to be, and a life her daughter deserves, but there is another person determined not to let that happen.

A true romance/suspense book with plenty of both to keep you turning page after page.

Though I was given this book by the publisher in exchange for a review, all thoughts and opinions are my own.

Sunday, February 25, 2024

My Review - Fatal Witness by Patricia Bradley

4.5 out of 5 stars

FATAL WITNESS by Patricia Bradley will definitely satisfy the romance-suspense reader! 

Dani Bennett’s world is completely shaken when she finally finds out why her uncle/guardian has always been so protective of her. When tragedy happens, she finds out what he’s been hiding, but it’s so much more than she ever even imagined. Now she must find out who she is and why someone is out to kill her.

Mark Lassiter genuinely cares for his neighbor Mae Richmond. When Mae is convinced she has finally found her long lost granddaughter, Mark offers to help track her down. However, coming back to Pearl Springs, Tennessee is proving to be dangerous for Dani, Mae, and anyone helping these women to solve the crime that separated them twenty-five years ago.

FATAL WITNESS was packed with action, drama, and just enough romance to keep the story interesting. Even though Dani and Mark try to discount the attraction between them as being fueled by fear, it’s obvious their chemistry is too much to ignore. The push and pull got a little tiresome, but the momentum of the story made up for it. Patricia Bradley has a knack for pulling you into a story from the get-go. That, and its twist and turns keep you turning page after page. Though I caught on early who the culprit was, I had to keep reading to make sure I was right.

I definitely recommend FATAL WITNESS to anyone interested in fast-paced whodunit mysteries.

Though I was given an advance copy of FATAL WITNESS by the publisher, I was not obligated to give a positive review. All opinions are my own.


Sunday, January 21, 2024

My Review - Double Take by Lynette Eason

5 out of 5 Stars

DOUBLE TAKE by Lynette Eason definitely satisfied the Romance/Suspense label. With main characters that were likable and relatable but not without their flaws, DOUBLE TAKE starts off the new Lake City Heroes series with a bang!

Physician’s Assistant Lainie Jackson knows there is no possible way her ex-fiancĂ© is alive. She shot him. There’s no way he could’ve survived. Then who just ran her off the road and tried to kill her . . . again? Knowing there has to be an explanation about who she saw, Lainie tries to move on. However, when other people start seeing her dead ex, she searches for the proof she needs to know he’s truly dead.

Detective James Cross - a childhood friend - crosses Lainie’s path when he is hospitalized with a gunshot wound. He’s quick to learn what’s bothering Lainie and offers to help her find the truth. It doesn’t take long to find out Lainie is in real danger, even if they can’t explain how her dead ex could be perpetrating the threats on her life.

Though Lainie doesn’t want to relive the past, she recognizes she needs help to find answers. Having James – her teenage crush – wanting to protect her is messing with her senses. She tries to keep the lines between them professional, but when James presses her to identify their relationship, the family baggage they both bring to a relationship seems too daunting to overcome. However, like it or not, James has no intention of backing off where Lainie’s life is concerned. It’s obvious someone is out to kill her. He and Lainie just have to figure out how a dead guy could be there prime suspect.

DOUBLE TAKE’s plot dealt with more than just murder, mayhem, and a phantom ex. Domestic abuse and family dysfunction were integral threads throughout the story. Both Lainie and James have deep-seeded family issues to deal with while trying to keep Lainie alive. The chemistry between James and Lainie was immediate. Of course, they already had a history together to build off of, but now they had to define their relationship and be sure it wasn’t just the intensity of the situation they were thrown into that was making their feelings for each other so powerful.

One observation I have notice of late in Christian suspense novels is the thinning of the faith aspect in the stories. I am a big proponent of not breaking character in order for the author to throw in an evangelistic thread that seems out of place. However, the faith aspect in the lives of the characters seem to be lacking. Now, I realize this novel was not labeled Christian/Romance/Suspense, and maybe Christian authors are purposely not labeling their novels as such so they can reach a broader audience, which I thoroughly applaud. Maybe it’s me that has to change my way of thinking when I pick up a book from one of my favorite “Christian” authors, realizing I am going to get a clean story, not necessarily a faith driven story. Just food for thought.

I would like to thank Revell Publishing for the opportunity to read an advance copy of DOUBLE TAKE. I was under no obligation to write a positive review. All opinions are my own.


Monday, January 15, 2024

MY REVIEW - The Resolute by MaryLu Tyndall


5 out of 5 stars

THE RESOLUTE is a masterpiece in storytelling! Spellbinding action, polarizing characters with magnetic personalities, and an exhilarating adventure that will not allow you to put the book down. MaryLu Tyndall is the queen of pirate romances with a redemptive theme!

Lady Gabrielle Hyde’s life had not turned out as she had hoped. Her childhood dream of marriage and motherhood no longer exists. Instead, she had been charged as a pirate and soon to be hanged. When she is rescued by Captain Caden Hayes, she soon finds out she is not free, but a pawn in his game of revenge. Feeling God has deserted her and her unborn child, Lady Gabrielle has no choice but to go along with the captain’s scheme until she finds a time when she can escape.

Captain Caden Hayes is on a mission; to ruin the man who destroyed his future. With revenge as his single-minded goal, Caden uses Lady Gabrielle to draw out his enemy. Once he is rid of her and his nemesis is destroyed, he’ll find the treasure he seeks and have his just reward.

WOW! Is not strong enough! In fact, there are not enough adjectives to describe THE RESOLUTE. I received an advance copy early one evening. I went ahead and downloaded it, intending on reading only the first few pages to get a feel for the book. I went on to finish the book early the next morning. I don’t know what it is about MaryLu’s writing style, but she absolutely captures you from the very first page. Her imagery is beyond compare. I usually skim books when they go into unnecessary detail, but every word, every description is so thoughtfully executed, they meld together into a seamless visualization that pulls the reader in. Her characters are rich but not flawless. Their layers are slowly revealed as the story progresses. Their finer qualities polished; their insecurities addressed. Ms. Tyndall’s characters grow throughout their journey and the reader gets to go along for the ride.

I can’t get into the specifics of the story; afraid I will reveal too much. But believe me when I say, THE RESOLUTE is a swashbuckling tale with everything you would expect from a story on the high seas and then some! And Ms. Tyndall once again proves, all souls have the ability to be redeemed when they finally seek the true Master of their journey.

Friday, November 10, 2023

My Review - Into the Fire by Irene Hannon

5 out of 5 stars

INTO THE FIRE by Irene Hannon sets the stage for what will undoubtably be another great series with romantic chemistry and lots of sparks. 

Though fire inspector, Bri Tucker is a confident, independent woman, she’s had her share of past traumas to overcome. While she hasn’t written romance off completely, now is not the time to start a relationship. However, when ATF Agent Marc Davis is assigned to help her investigate her latest case, sparks fly immediately, causing both butterflies and self-doubt. 

Special Agent, Marc Davis is adjusting to his new role – caretaker to his Nan who is battling cancer. He has no intention of looking for a relationship, but with Bri Tucker in the picture, he might have to change his thinking. Taking his cues from Bri-who isn’t ready to jump into anything serious-suits his just fine. However, when the danger seems to be following Bri, his interest and concern for the beautiful inspector grows. 

I really enjoyed INTO THE FIRE. The characters felt familiar and grounded. Genuinely nice people, trying to do the right thing in both their careers and in the lives of the people they love. I liked when Bri and Marc had honest conversations. No beating around the bush. Sharing the importance of family and faith. The way Bri’s past and present converged was a unique twist. Without giving too much away, I felt there were a few breaks in the case that were a little too convenient but overall, INTO THE DARK delivered both romance and suspense. I expect nothing less from Irene Hannon! 

Definitely a book for those who like romance and suspense, mixed with faith and family. 

I received a complimentary copy of this book from the publisher in exchange for an honest review. All thoughts and opinions expressed are my own.

Saturday, August 12, 2023

My Review - Countdown by Lynette Eason

5 out of 5 stars

I thoroughly enjoyed COUNTDOWN, book four in the Extreme Measures series by Lynette Eason. Suspense and pacing were great. However, the romance side seemed to go from 0-100 pretty fast. 

Raina Price has had to run from her past and take on a new identity. Even though her lack of trust keeps her secrets locked inside, outwardly, her desire to help others brings her full circle from juvenile hall to Flight Paramedic. Bonding with girls she met in juvie, she has a good support group who have all gotten their act together and serves their community well. Even so, that doesn’t prevent Raina from constantly wondering if her past will ever catch up with her.

US Marshall, Vincent Covelli belongs to Raina’s friend group through another association. He’s always felt a connection – attraction for Raina, but her closed off attitude has always kept him on the fringe. But when she asks for Vince’s help to protect someone in her past, and then he watches Raina almost get killed, he’s all in. It’s obvious Raina is in danger. So, regardless if their relationship ever becomes personal or not, Vince ‘s goal is to keep her safe.

What follows is a path filled with twists and turns as revelations about Raina’s past comes to light. As Raina and Vince work to put their current danger behind them and look to the future, an even larger crime is revealed.

COUNTDOWN is a quick read because the action never stops. Not only that, but I love when there is a body of friends who move throughout the books in a series, allowing us updates on past characters. Raina was a great heroine. Guarded. Strong. Determined. Vince was a take charge, act where need, hero. Though their feelings for each other seemed to escalate at a quick pace, which might bother some readers, Raina and Vince shared a personal understanding about domestic abuse, allowing them to be open and vulnerable with each other, which cemented a relationship that was always just there in the shadows.

Though I was given a copy of COUNTDOWN from Baker Publishing in exchange for a review, all thoughts and opinions are my own.

Tuesday, June 06, 2023

My review - Counter Attack by Patricia Bradley

5 out of 5 stars

If COUNTER ATTACK by Patricia Bradley is an example of what’s to come in the Pearl River series, we are in for a wild ride! Strong characters, continual action, romantic chemistry, COUNTER ATTACK has it all!

Alexis Stone had no intention of returning to her hometown of Pearl Springs. With her sights set on being the first female police chief of Chattanooga, being chief deputy for Russell County, Tennessee was not even on her radar. Even so, she finds herself in Pearl Springs with the possibility that a serial killer is watching her every move. 

Nathan Landry, Pearl Springs chief of police, is surprised Alexis is back in town and tapped to take the job he’s always wanted. If that wasn’t complicated enough, the fact that he never stopped loving her makes it even more difficult to separate work responsibilities and personal feelings. One thing he is prepared to do though, is protect her at all costs.

As Alexis and Nathan team up to track down the Queen’s Gambit Killer, they realize Alexis is not just a pawn in the killer’s bizarre game, but possibly the motivation for the killer’s crimes. Deciphering clues and relying on intuition, Alexis and Nathan worker closer than might be healthy as they not only try to solve the crimes in front of them but figure out where they stand with each other.

COUNTER ATTACK was such an easy read. The suspenseful pacing kept the story moving, while the romantic chemistry between Alexis and Nathan kept me turning page after page. Alexis was strong and capable, but Ms. Bradley wrote her with a soft side that allowed her to be vulnerable as well. Not in a weak way, but in a way that allowed her to process her feelings for Nathan. Also, the relationship between her and her grandparents – very pivotal secondary characters – gave Alexis a soft edge that is sometimes missing when an author creates a formidable female character. Even with all of Alexis’ strength, Nathan’s male leading character role didn’t take a back seat to hers. He was secure enough in himself that he wasn’t threatened by Alexis’ very capable albitites. The way these two characters meshed really made the story flow. I will definitely keep my eye out for the next installment.

Though I was provided with a copy of this novel by the publisher, I was not required to write a positive review. All opinions are strictly my own.


Sunday, April 16, 2023

My Review - Blind Trust by Natalie Walters

 5 out of 5 stars

BLIND TRUST by Natalie Walters is the third installment in the Snap Agency series. It was great! Action packed! With incredible characters that draw you in to their tightknit group. A must read for suspense/romance readers! 

Lyla Fox is great at what she does for the Snap Agency, but it’s her impulsiveness that is going to get her in trouble or worse. Always feeling like she was different growing up, Lyla felt she always had to prove herself. She tells herself she is going the extra mile for the cases she works on, others – mainly Nicolas Garcia- sees Lyla as an unnecessary risk taker. Now that she appears to be targeted by a man she put in prison, she needs a little help. Nicolas is willing to give her a hand, but will Lyla be able to curb her recklessness to Nicolas’ satisfaction? 

Nicolas Garcia, weapons and explosives specialist, enjoys the camaraderie he feels with the Snap team, but it would be better if Lyla wasn’t so impulsive. Admittedly, she’s good at what she does. However, Nicolas is afraid the risks she takes are going to be her undoing. When Lyla becomes the target, he wants to help in order to keep her safe. Even so, he must ask himself is it because she’s part of the team or do his feelings run deeper than that?

The sparks between Lyla and Nicolas are evident from the get-go, that is to everyone but them. They bicker like brother and sister, but that’s only because neither of them is willing to explore their true feelings for each other. Lyla is constantly frustrated with Nicolas’ lack of trust in what she does, and he doesn’t think they have a chance at a relationship because Lyla constantly puts herself in dangerous situations. When Nicholas is offered another job, he seriously considers it. Not because he doesn’t like what he does at the Snap Agency, but because he doesn’t feel he can continue to stand by and watch Lyla put herself in jeopardy.

This was a great book! Intense relationships and situations. Amazing characters that act like family. Bickering, jokes, give and take, everyone at the Snap Agency has a vested interest in each other. That’s what makes dangerous situations even more precarious. Everyone is invested far beyond coworkers. This is the third book, so we see how everyone’s relationships have blossomed. It was only natural for Lyla and Nicolas to be drawn to each other, but they both are so stubborn, neither can see the others point of view. The drama starts immediately and had me turning the pages as quick as I could. This is easily a one-day read. You absolutely will not be disappointed.

Though I was given an advance copy of this book from Baker Publishing in exchange for a review, I was not obligated to give a positive review. All thoughts and opinions are strictly my own.


Saturday, March 18, 2023

My Review - Under Fire by Lynn H. Blackburn

5 out of 5 stars

UNDER FIRE was a great end to a great series! Lynn H. Blackburn is fast becoming one of my favorite authors. 

US Secret Service Agent Tessa Reed has the assignment of her life – spearheading and leading the team assigned to keep the president safe. She is able and competent, but Tessa also has a secret in her past that seems to be creeping to the forefront. Not wanting to blur her focus or divulge her indiscretion to her team, she tries to figure out the connection with the help of USSS Special Agent Zane Thacker – the only person who knows what she went through. 

Agent Thacker will do whatever her can to help Tessa and protect her secret, while juggling his main job – being a part of the president’s protective detail. Being the only person Tessa trusted with her secret, Zane values their friendship, a friendship he wishes could be more. Even so, Zane has demons in his own past that prevent he and Tessa from taking the next step. He has accepted his place in the friend zone, but when it’s clear someone is after Tessa, he has a hard time disguising his true feelings. 

Working against the clock to find out who is threatening both Tessa and the president-and trying to piece together how the two could possibly be the same person-Tess, Zane, and their extended team hunt down obscure clues to head off a critical threat. 

Strong characters, intriguing suspense, and romantic tension kept me turning page after page of UNDER FIRE. It was nice to know up front the indiscretion that had the potential to derail Tessa’s career and how Zane helped her through it. I think it helped the reader better understand the bond they shared and why Zane and Tessa struggled to jump the hurdle from friends and teammates to something more. I loved the comradery between all the fellow teammates and how everyone’s lives and friendships overlapped. At times, it was hard to keep the ensemble cast straight because it had been a while since I read the previous installments, but that did not impact my enjoyment of the story or detract from the plot. 

UNDER FIRE is everything you could want in a romance/suspense novel, and Lynn H. Blackburn is an author to put on your “must read” list. 

Though I was provided an advance copy from the Baker Publishing Group, all comments and opinions are my own.

Sunday, February 12, 2023

My Review - Cold Light of Day by Elizabeth Goddard

5+ out of 5 stars

COLD LIGHT OF DAY by Elizabeth Goddard was chocked full of suspense and romantic chemistry. A must read for romance/suspense readers!

Police Chief in the small Alaskan town of Shadow Gap, Autumn Long’s job is on the line. An unexpected crime wave has hit her sleepy town and it’s not just typical small-town delinquency. Murder, assault, and an injured officer is leaving her shaking her head. With her competency in question, Autumn allows Grier Brenner, a new resident in town to help her. She’s had her suspicions about Grier, but he seems to have skills that leads her to believe he’s ex-military and she has no choice but to accept his help.

Grier Brenner had no intentions of getting involved in whatever was happening in Shadow Gap. His goal was to disappear, but seeing that Autumn needs help, he finds himself drawn to her, and not just in the professional sense. Knowing danger surrounds him, Grier ignores his personal feelings for Autumn, but can’t help but aid her, knowing her job and her very life hangs in the balance.

What unfolds is past mysteries brought to light, corruption that leads to murder, and a race against time to figure out who the target is - Autumn or Grier, and who they can trust with the information they have before they run out of time.

COLD LIGHT OF DAY was a race against time, who is the bad guys, and who can you trust type drama. The intensity never let up, and I felt the frustration that Autumn was being portrayed by the town counsel as incompetent. Elizabeth Goddard wrote in such a way that I was angry at Autumn’s accusers. Also, I am usually not a fan of a push-pull relationship where both parties feel unworthy of the other. However, Ms. Goddard wrote Autumn and Grier’s relationship in an intelligent way - Grier trying to protect Autumn from his unknown threat, Autumn being a professional and realizing she needed to put her position as police chief before her personal feelings. The action and suspense was non-stop, making for a quick read. I thoroughly enjoyed COLD LIGHT OF DAY. I haven’t read much from Elizabeth Goddard, but what I have read puts her on my watch list for future releases.

Though I received an advance copy of this novel from the publisher, it did not influence my review in any way. All thoughts and opinions are my own.

Saturday, January 21, 2023

My Review - When Angels Rejoice by MaryLu Tyndall

 5 out of 5 stars

    The adjectives I think of when describing WHEN ANGELS REJOICE by MaryLu Tyndall are thought-provoking, anxiousness, intensity, and excitement, just to list a few. MaryLu does an exceptional job of thrusting us into the middle of the tribulation and giving us a rendition of what that time in history might look like. With a cast of characters, you both cheer for and despise, WHEN ANGELS REJOICE takes you on an emotional journey that you won’t soon forget.

    Vice Regent in the New World Faith Organization, Thomas Benton feels on top of the world. He’s got a beautiful mansion, a sleek Sports car, and a dream job with his sights set on moving even higher up the ladder. Though the memory of his friend’s execution continues to haunt him, he doesn’t allow anything to distract him from his goal. That is until he is tasked with interviewing and converting a high-level Deviant. It’s not a favorite part of his job, but he is good at it, until he comes face to face with Tori Griffin; the only woman he’s ever loved.

    Tori Griffin is not just any ordinary Deviant. She has information regarding a resistance group helping others avoid detection and execution. Tori refuses to volunteer any info and is prepared to die for her cause, but there is one more person she hopes to convert before she faces her demise.

    The minute Thomas and Tori are together, you feel the intensity of attraction. Even though they are polar opposites in their convictions, their love for each other makes them desperate to save the other from the “lie” of their belief system. Thomas risks everything to have enough time with Tori and show her the errors of her beliefs, while Tori persuades Thomas to embark on a journey that will prove what he’s been conditioned to believe is all a lie. 

    The intensity of this novel is no joke! This fiction interpretation of end times is so masterfully written you can’t help but wonder how close a portrayal it is to what the future might look like. MaryLu shows how easily the non-Christian will believe the lies handed down by the government and how the Christian will be unable to function under the reign of a one-world hierarchy. We also get a glimpse into the spiritual warfare that happens through the eyes of guardian angels. There are several secondary characters that stand on each side of the great spiritual divide. Some will hold to their convictions while others will fall away.

    Though Ms. Tyndall takes creative license in her depictions, each chapter starts with a Biblical reference that speaks of the very situation that follows in that chapter. MaryLu does not write in broad strokes with a fanciful imagination. It is obvious a tremendous amount of research went into the writing of WHEN ANGELS REJOICE.

    I highly recommend this series. However, even though it is fiction and entertaining, be prepared to face some unsettling truths and thought-provoking scenarios.

    Though I received an advance copy of this novel from the publisher, it did not influence my review in any way. All thoughts and opinions are my own.

Friday, January 13, 2023

My Review - Critical Threat by Lynette Eason

5+ out of 5 stars

CRITICAL THREAT by Lynette Eason . . . I have one word . . . WOW! Fast paced. Edge of your seat. Romantic chemistry. It had it all. Lynette Eason at her best! 

FBI Special Agent Grace Billingsley and prison psychiatrist Sam Monroe have met before. Even had dinner together, but for whatever reason, Sam ghosted Grace, leaving her to ask herself, Why? When they end up working the same case, they have to maneuver around the awkwardness and clear the air. Once they do, they are thrown head long into a case that is personal for Sam and puzzling for Grace. However, they work well together as a team and are committed to finding the killer before he strikes again.

CRITICAL THREAT was an exciting read! I know when I sit down with a Lynette Eason book, I won’t be disappointed, and CRITICAL THREAT definitely checked all the boxes for what I consider a great romance/suspense novel. Both Grace and Sam are dealing with family baggage making them hesitant to open up to each other. However, being able to relate on so many levels make them the perfect match.

Without giving too much away, Grace becomes the focus of the killer they are trying to catch, triggering Sam’s protectiveness. And when Sam’s family is threatened, Grace is determined to intervene.

There is a lot of action and intrigue in CRITICAL THREAT. And even though I knew the direction the story was headed, I read faster and faster waiting for the characters to come to the same conclusions. There were numerous secondary characters that added life and depth to the story, even a few I wanted to hate. There were even a few nods to some of the characters in the series’ previous installments. All worked together for a well-rounded story that kept me turning page after page. The whole Extreme Measures series has been great. Now I just have to wait for the next installment.

Though I was provided with a copy of CRITICAL THREAT by the publishers, I was not required to write a positive review. All comments and critiques are my own.

Monday, January 09, 2023

My Review - The Secrets of Emberwild by Stephenia H. McGee

3.5 out of 5 stars

THE SECRETS OF EMBERWILD by Stephenia H. McGee was a simple read with an interesting plot. Definitely a good read for horse lovers. 

Nora Fenton is a woman ahead of her time. She is strong, independent, and prefers time spent with horses over most men. She knows she could be a successful horse trainer and save her family farm if just given the chance, but with the passing of her father, her mother and uncle are more determined than ever marry her off before she reaches a certain age. When Silas Cavallero shows up and is hired on as an extra hand, Nora has her suspicions about him, especially when he asks disturbing questions. However, when Silas acknowledges her talent handling horses, she looks at him as an ally. 

Silas Cavallero is out to solve the mystery surrounding his father’s death. If that means helping Nora train her spirited colt, he’ll do it. He’s not sure he’ll ever find the answers he’s looking for, but when strange accidents start happening around Emberwild, he can’t help but wonder if he’s on the right track.

Though both Nora and Silas are attracted to each other, their stations in life make a match between them seem out of reach. Silas has no intentions to stay on at Emberwild, and even if he did, there is no way he would be considered a proper suitor for Nora. And though Nora feels a spark inside whenever she is with Silas, she knows her uncle would never accept a union between the two of them. So, even though a match is not in their future, Nora can’t help but think a family secret is linked to Silas’ search, but to admit it to Silas would mean she would have to give up everything she is fighting for.

I liked SECRETS OF EMBERWILD but felt there was something missing. Though both Silas and Nora had feelings for each other, I didn’t always feel it. The author told us about their connection instead of the characters showing us. The line of suspense was an added feature, though it was pretty obvious from the start who the real villain was. So, there were minor flaws in THE SECRETS OF EMBERWILD but it was still an enjoyable read.

Disclaimer: I received a complimentary review copy of this book from the publisher. All opinions expressed are my own.

Saturday, November 12, 2022

My Review - Honor's Refuge by Hallee Bridgeman

5+ out of 5 stars

HONOR’S REFUGE, book three in the Love and Honor series by Hallee Bridgeman was a riveting ending to an amazing series! 

Melissa Braxton-an abuse survivor herself-has taken her pain and turned it into a refuge for others suffering from domestic abuse. As a therapist and the director of an undisclosed shelter, she helps those who have nowhere else to turn.

Phil Osborne-an ex-special forces operator-is exercising his demons the only way he knows how; self-sacrifice and the desire to help others. When he finds out Melissa was separated from her sister when they were just children, he decides to use his connections to find her. What he discovers is devastating. Not only is Melissa’s sister in an abusive marriage; her husband is part of a Colombian cartel. 

Though the reuniting of Melissa and Lola is a miracle, it’s also put not only Lola, but Melissa and Phil in the crosshairs of a cartel that will stop at nothing to silence one of their own. 

HONOR’S REFUGE was an incredible page-turner filled with action, tragedy, and plenty of suspense. It shed a much-needed light on the world of abuse victims and what they must do to survive in a world that doesn’t always protect the innocent. However, it was the push-and-pull relationship between Melissa and Phil that wouldn’t allow me to put the book down. I really enjoyed Melissa’s pluck. She was vocal about her feelings for Phil, even when he wasn’t always receptive. She didn’t give him an easy out or a pass. She expected him to man-up and figure out what he wanted in a relationship. Even though Phil was self-destructive at times, the reader could see past that to the protector he was in his heart. 

I absolutely recommend this series to romance/suspense readers who enjoy a riveting story without unnecessary content. The stories spoke for themselves without the need for foul language or gratuitous sex. 

Disclosure of Material Connection: I received a complimentary copy of this book from Revell. I was not required to write a positive review. The opinions expressed are my own. I am disclosing this in accordance with the Federal Trade Commission’s 16 CFR, Part 255, “Guidelines Concerning the Use of Testimonials and Endorsements in Advertising.”

Saturday, November 05, 2022

My Review - Sundown by Susan May Warren

5+ out of 5 stars

SUNDOWN, the conclusion in the Sky King Ranch series by Susan May Warren was both amazing and sad. Amazing, because the action was non-stop, and the characters are what romance stories are made of. Sad, because it brought an end to another incredible series. 

Taylor (Tae) Price is running for her life while claiming she must save the world. Colt Kingston thinks she’s crazy until some of what she says is proven true. Though Tae has feelings for Colt, she’s afraid involving him in her future will only put him and his family in further jeopardy. So she runs.

Colt is not willing to give up so quickly where Tae is concerned. And with his special forces background, he’s the perfect person to protect her. Along with brothers Ranger, Dodge, and an all-star team of operatives, Colt and Tae race against time to prevent a worldwide threat. However, the biggest obstacle to a future together hits even closer to home. 
SUNDOWN was Spectacular! High stakes. A race against time. Danger at every turn. But the best part was the characters. Ms. Warren not only had the Kingston family working together, forcing them to deal with the issues that have kept them apart, but special ops teams from her previous novels are woven into the story flawlessly. 

Such a great action-packed series. Definitely a must read for romance suspense bibliophilist. 

Disclosure of Material Connection: I received a complimentary copy of this book from Revell. I was not required to write a positive review. The opinions expressed are my own. I am disclosing this in accordance with the Federal Trade Commission’s 16 CFR, Part 255, “Guidelines Concerning the Use of Testimonials and Endorsements in Advertising.”

Sunday, October 30, 2022

My Review - Body of Evidence by Irene Hannon


4 out of 5 stars

BODY OF EVIDENCE by Irene Hannon is a satisfying whodunit with plenty of romantic chemistry. 

Forensic Pathologist Grace Reilly isn’t easily unnerved, but her suspicions are aroused when an increase in deaths by natural causes seems to be plaquing the rural Missouri territory. She voices her concerns to Nate Cox, the local sheriff, but he’s not as easily convinced, at least not at first. However, he put his skepticism aside when Grace proves a connection between two deaths. 

Though Grace and Nate work well as professionals, they can’t ignore the chemistry between them. As they entertain the possibility of a more personal relationship, one of them ends up being targeted by the would-be killer. Now it’s a race against time to expose the killer before it’s too late. 

I really enjoyed BODY OF EVIDENCE. I appreciated that Ms. Hannon allowed Grace and Nate to pursue a relationship instead of the overused push and pull plot that some authors use to keep the two main characters at arm’s-length for professional reasons. Though I did catch on to who the killer was a bit too early for my liking, it didn’t lessen my enjoyment of watching the plot unfold. I will say that I thought the reason for the killer’s actions was a bit thin. Greed is definitely a trigger that is believable, but the lengths in which the killer went seemed a bit extreme. On a side note, I was glad to see Cate and Eve-Grace’s sisters and the main characters in books one and two of the Triple Threat series-make an appearance. It’s always nice to catch up on previous characters. 

Good action. Good characters. Good reading! 

Disclosure of Material Connection: I received a complimentary copy of this book from Revell. I was not required to write a positive review. The opinions expressed are my own. I am disclosing this in accordance with the Federal Trade Commission’s 16 CFR, Part 255, “Guidelines Concerning the Use of Testimonials and Endorsements in Advertising.”

Friday, October 21, 2022

My Review - Word of Honor by Hallee Bridgeman


5+ out of 5 stars!

WORD OF HONOR, book two in the Love and Honor series by Hallee Bridgeman is another installment in masterful Romance/Suspense! 

FBI Special Agent Lynda Culter is looking for ecoterrorists before they blow up another pipeline. Unfortunately, their best lead is in Kuwait, a place where woman alone stick out like a sore thumb. In order to blend in, Lynda needs a “husband” if she hopes to investigate without bring attention to herself. In steps Special Forces Specialist Bill Sanders. As a last-minute replacement in their covert operation, Lynda struggles with spending time with the man who crushed her heart in college. Ever the professional, Lynda puts her personal feelings aside in order to neutralize a worldwide threat. 

Bill Sanders is not the man he was in college. However, convincing Lynda of that is going to be quite the trick. Though he owns the mistakes he’s made in the past, he also knows that Lynda deserves far more than he can offer. So, he keeps their relationship professional, at least on the outside. 

Lynda and Bill share some tight quarters as “husband and wife” as they focus their energies on the investigation. Even though their past feelings for each other resurface, they both look at the obstacles and know pursuing a relationship would have too many complications. No matter what their person complexities are, Lynda and Bill work as a team to find those behind the bombings and do all they can to intercept the terrorists before their next deadly assault. 

WORD OF HONOR was suspenseful, intelligent, and filled with plenty of action and chemistry. Though the book centers on Lynda and Bill’s complicated relationship, we also get to catch up on some of the other members of Bill’s elite special forces team. WORD OF HONOR is a fast pace read that barely gives you time to catch your breath before the action spins back up. Make sure you set time aside to read WORD OF HONOR because you won’t want to put it down. 

Disclosure of Material Connection: I received a complimentary copy of this book from Revell. I was not required to write a positive review. The opinions expressed are my own. I am disclosing this in accordance with the Federal Trade Commission’s 16 CFR, Part 255, “Guidelines Concerning the Use of Testimonials and Endorsements in Advertising.”

Saturday, September 10, 2022

My Review - Honor Bound by Hallee Bridgeman

5 out of 5 stars

WOW! I can’t say enough about HONOR BOUND by Hallee Bridgeman. This is the first book I have read from this author, and it absolutely will not be the last. Amazing story. Great intensity. Magnetic characters. The trifecta in Romance-Suspense. 

Dr. Cynthia Myers, daughter to the newly appointed Vice President of the United States, has escaped the drama of her personal life and is quietly working off the grid in a small African village. She’s found meaning offering aid in a small clinic, assisting birthing mothers, but that is all about to change. 
U.S. Special Forces Captain, Rick Norton has two objectives: neutralize an African warlord terrorizing the country and extract Dr. Cynthia Myers before she because a political pawn. What he doesn’t count on is one of his team sustaining injuries and having to rely on Dr. Myer’s medical care. 

What ensues is a situation that quickly moves from bad to worse. With multiple injuries, combatants quick on their heels, and the doctor and the captain on opposite ends of the political spectrum, they debate the need for violence to ensure peace while trying to evade capture and certain death. 

HONOR BOUND was packed with fast-paced action and hold your breath drama. I felt like I was reading an episode of SEAL TEAM (a CBS drama). The energy between Cynthia and Rick was immediate and the camaraderie among the team members was written with such authenticity. I also felt the author did a good job shedding light on the balance between the violence of war vs religious beliefs. 

Overall, HONOR BOUND checked all the boxes for me. For readers who likes intense, military-influenced dramas without foul language or all the guts and gore, this book is for you. I finished the book in less than a day and was sad when it was over. 

I received a complimentary copy of this book from Baker Publishing in exchange for an honest review. All opinions are my own.

Tuesday, August 16, 2022

My Review - Crossfire by Lynette Eason

 5 out of 5 stars

CROSSFIRE by Lynette Eason has all the ingredients for a good romance/suspense book. 

Julianna Jameson is an FBI negotiator. Her calm, cool demeanor makes her perfect for her job. However, her composure is challenged when her sister, Dottie, become the target of a killer’s vendetta. 

Clay Fox is a resource officer at Dottie’s school. A former Army sniper with emotional baggage in his past, he is trying to figure out what to do with his future. When Clay’s sister, Reese, is caught up in a hostage situation, Julianna Jameson makes quite the impression on him, and it’s not just her negotiation skills that gets Clay’s attention.  

When Dottie and Reese become fast friends, Clay and Julianna also end up spending time together. Though they enjoy each other’s company, they both feel unable to move into a personal relationship because of tragedies in their pasts. Unfortunately, one of those past tragedies is about to resurface and endanger them all. 

Lynette Eason’s books never disappoint. Unique plot twists, likable characters, and action that keeps you turning page after page. Though there were a few things that felt a little off in CROSSFIRE, such as, the immediate friendship between Dottie and Reese in situations that surely would have had them suffering from PTSD, the quick and blasĂ© attitude regarding those who had been killed needlessly, and a few other incidents that seemed to be thrown in as filler but dealt with too abruptly. However, even with these little missteps that got my attention, I still enjoyed the story, the pacing, and the characters. I will continue to recommend Ms. Eason’s books as escapism at its best. 

I was given a copy of this book from Baker Publishing in exchange for an honest review. All opinions are my own.

Saturday, July 30, 2022

My Review - Critical Alliance by Elizabeth Goddard

4 out of 5 stars

CRITICAL ALLIANCE is an intellectual suspense novel with intensity and chemistry. 

Mackenzie Hanson is trying to work away her demons. An expert at cybersecurity, she is now using her skills to try and protect her father’s tech company. However, her past is catching up with her. 

Secret Service Agent Alex Knight is home, mentally trying to process a difficult mission. When he bumps into Mackenzie, a computer expert he met years ago, he’s immediately intrigued. Intrigue turns to concern when he finds out she’s in danger. Concern turns to action when he finds out her very life is at risk. 

While Alex works with Mackenzie, personal interest becomes the catalyst to keep her safe. And even though Mackenzie is afraid her past is going to jeopardize Alex’s future, she can’t help but be drawn to the man who sees the woman she is, not the kid she used to be.

CRITICAL ALLIANCE was fast-paced action, but if you’re not a computer person, some of the techie language could leave confused. I had a little problem with MacKenzie’s character. She showed little emotion when one of her siblings dies, and other than Alex, she doesn’t seem to have much of an emotional investment in the other characters in the story. Alex on the other hand is very likable, not the stuff shirt you think of when you hear the title secret service. 

Overall, I liked CRITICAL ALLIANCE, it just didn’t have the same punch as the other two books in the series. 

I was given a complimentary copy of this book from Baker Publishing but was under no obligation to give a positive review. All opinions expressed are my own.

Tuesday, June 28, 2022

My Review - Sunburst by Susan May Warren

5 out of 5 stars

Great Action! Great Attraction! 

SUNBURST, book two in the Sky King Ranch series starts off with a bang and keeps a high intensity pace all the way through. Though sometimes the basis of the plot gets a little lost and random facts pop up in conversation that kind of dangle unaddressed, but other than that, a great story full of chemistry. 

Ex-Navy SEAL, Ranger Kingston and Noemi Sutton have history. The kind that simmers deep inside. So, when they are thrust together in a hostage rescue situation, bottled up feelings come to the surface. Even though Range and Noemi fight back their feelings-writing them off as a relationship that will never work out-they have to keep up the façade in order to keep Noemi safe. And the more time they “pretend” the more real it becomes. 

SUNBURST is classic Susan May Warren. Dynamic characters. Tenuous situations. Packed with Adrenaline. Range is a true bachelor personified and your classic hero material while Noemi is the gutsy-I can take care of myself-kind of heroine. Noemi proves her grit over and over again, getting Range, Blessing – the orphan she would die to protect, and herself out of one desperate situation after another. Range’s feelings for Noemi grow with each hurdle they overcome, but he’s got personal issues that he doesn’t want to burden her with. Noemi sees Range holding back and assumes he is once again choosing his career over a relationship with her, but it does nothing to temper her feelings for him.

Great second book! Although at times, I found myself wondering how many more near impossible situations will they get themselves out of. I enjoyed the quick peek into what I can assume will be the plot for the next book with Tae and Colt, and I loved the cameo appearances by Dodge, Echo, and the patriarch of the Kingston family. 

I received a promotional copy of this book in exchange for an honest review. All opinions are my own.

Tuesday, May 31, 2022

My Review - Fatal Code by Natalie Walters

5 out of 5 stars 

FATAL CODE, book two in The Snap Agency series was great! Great suspense! Great intrigue! And great characters! 

Aerospace engineer Elinor Mitchell has stumble into something that has already proven to be deadly. Unbeknownst to her, Elinor has valuable information that was passed to her by her grandfather. Information that could easily start World War III. 

SNAP cryptologist Kekoa Young has identified Elinor as a possible trader. It appears that she is passing sensitive information to Russia, but to Kekoa it just doesn’t add up. Elinor happens to be his neighbor and is far from trader material. Even so, Kekoa has been tasked with keeping an eye on her. That is both good and bad for Kekoa. Good, because he likes Elinor and wants to get to know her better. Bad, because he hates the fact that he’s lying to her. 

What ensues is a deadly game of keep away. Kekoa has to keep Elinor away from people who will stop and nothing to get the secrets she holds. And even though Elinor is devastated to find out Kekoa has been lying to her, she has no choice but to trust him in order for her to stay alive. 

I really loved this book! Though it had a slow start, the chemistry between Elinor and Kekoa definitely had me reading chapter after chapter. I really enjoyed the character develop with Kekoa. We got a glimpse of him in LIGHTS OUT, book one in the series, but FATAL CODE definitely gave us more about the computer arm of the SNAP agency. Some of the coding and computer lingo was lost on me, but it did not diminish my enjoyment of the overall story. I really enjoyed the backstory between Elinor and her grandfather. It gave a sweet foundation as we learned more about who Elinor was as a person. It was also nice to catch up with Jack, Nicolas, and Lyla, the other members of the SNAP agency. 

I would definitely recommend this series to anyone who likes romance, suspense, intrigue, and intelligent characters. Can’t wait to read more about the members of the SNAP agency. 

I was given a copy of FATAL CODE from the publisher in exchange for an honest review. All opinions are my own.


Saturday, May 07, 2022

My Review - Sea Glass Cottage by Irene Hannon

4 out of 5 stars

SEA GLASS COTTAGE is book eight in the Hope Harbor series from Rita award winner, Irene Hannon. And though I prefer her suspense stories, SEA GLASS COTTAGE was a nice break from the intensity of an action drama. 

Christi Reece finds herself in Hope Harbor grasping at her last straw. In need of an infusion of cash, she seeks out past boyfriend, Jack Colby, in hopes that he will agree to a loan.  Unfortunately, Jack wants nothing to do with the woman who broke his heart. With nowhere to stay and being very low on funds, Christi prepares herself for the long trek back to Texas. However, when a job drops into her lap and the unique opportunity to become caretaker of Sea Glass Cottage is offered to her, Christi decides to stick around Hope Harbor just a little while longer. Immediately, she is welcomed by the eclectic community of characters, that is by everyone but Jack. He remembers all too well how manipulative Christi could be, so he doesn’t believe she’s changed at all. Even so, Christi become attached to the little seaside town, and even though Jack has his reservations about Christi, he soon finds himself in need of her help.

Initially, I found the opening premise unbelievable. I just couldn’t fathom why Christi would think Jack, a boyfriend she used and left brokenhearted, and hadn’t seen in over a decade, would agree to a loan. And then, the events leading up to Christi staying at Sea Glass Cottage were just as implausible. Even so, I had to remind myself that this was fiction, so I continued to read with a more open mind. In the end, I did enjoy SEA GLASS COTTAGE. The story of forgiveness and redemption were the main themes, and not just with Christi and Jack. We got to see how God used time and perspective in the lives of Beth and Steve, a couple struggling with a devastating loss. 

Not my favorite book from Irene Hannon, but still an enjoyable read. Especially if you prefer stories that tug on your heartstrings instead of the heart-stopping drama of action-suspense.

I received a complimentary copy of SEA GLASS COTTAGE from Baker Publishing in exchange for an honest review. All opinions are my own.

Sunday, April 24, 2022

My Review - The Catch by Lisa Harris

5 out of 5 stars

THE CATCH - the third installment in the US Marshals series from Lisa Harris, did not disappoint!

I would definitely recommend reading books 1 and 2 in this series before reading THE CATCH, just so the history between Marshals Madison James and Jonas Quinn is understood. Other than that, THE CATCH was filled with high energy and intricate plot twists.

While Jonas Quinn is anxious to get back from specialized training so he and Madison can better define their relationship, Madison is still looking for closure regarding her husband’s murder years earlier, especially since she was the original target and left to die. Putting another person she cares about, in harm’s way, is the last thing she wants to do.

Neither Jonas or Madison have time to share their feelings. They have a judge to get to safety, a murder to solve, a woman and child on the run, and somehow, it all fits together in a masterful puzzle that might even give Madison the closure she’s looking for.

I thoroughly enjoyed THE CATCH. I liked the reserve chemistry between Jonas and Madison, the overlapping stories, and the strings that brought them all together. There was a large supporting cast of players, some you want to like, others you want to hate, and some you’re not even sure of their guilt or innocent. This is the first series I have read from Lisa Harris, but it most certainly will not be the last.

I received a complimentary copy of this book from the publisher in exchange for an honest review. All opinions are my own. 


Saturday, March 05, 2022

My Review - Malicious Intent by Lynn H. Blackburn

5 out of 5 stars

MALICIOUS INTENT was great! Lynn H. Blackburn is quickly becoming a new favorite author of mine.

Dr. Ivy Collins is on the cusp of a breakthrough in prosthetic technology. All she must do is stay alive long enough to bring her dream to fruition, but someone is going out of their way to mastermind roadblocks of the deadly kind.

Secret Service Agent Gil Dixon is shocked when his work crosses Ivy’s path. Once childhood friends, Ivy and he were inseparable. Until they weren’t. Now that they’re in each other’s worlds again, he wants answers for why she disappeared without a backwards glance. All he has to do is keep Ivy alive long enough for her to explain her vanishing act when they were just teenagers.

MALICOUS INTENT checks all the boxes in this excellent romance-suspense novel. The action is constant. Twists and turns abound. Any the chemistry between Ivy and Gil is goosebump worthy. MALICIOUS INTENT is book two in the Defend and Protect series, so we get to check in on Luke and Faith from book one, along with the rest of the band of brothers we came to love. However, MALICIOUS INTENT can be read as a standalone novel. The comradery between Gil, his co-workers, and their significant others really adds depth to the story. I can’t wait to see who is highlighted in the next installment.

I definitely recommend MACLIOUS INTENT and Lynn H. Blackburn to anyone who enjoys Lynette Eason, Janice Cantore, Dani Pettrey, Ronie Kendig, etc.

I was provided a complimentary copy of MALICIOUS INTENT in exchange for an honest review. All opinions expressed are my own.

Saturday, January 15, 2022

My Review - Life Flight by Lynette Eason

 5 out of 5 stars

Lots of drama, lots of action, twists and turns, and romantic chemistry. Everything you’ve come to expect from Lynette Eason!

Penny Carlton loves her job. As an EMS helicopter pilot, she gets to help people when their need is greatest. However, when she makes an emergency landing during a storm, with a critical patient on board, it’s just the beginning of a cat and mouse game with a killer. Her saving grace—Agent Holt Satterfield.

FBI Special Agent Holt Satterfield was pivotal in putting serial killer, Darius Rabor behind bars. The fact that Rabor just escaped is beyond Holt’s comprehension. What makes it worse . . . Penny Carlton—a woman he has more than a little interest in—might end up in Rabor’s crosshairs.

Together, Penny and Holt work to find Rabor, and in doing so, must navigate the complications of a relationship that might just be too complex to pursue.

LIFE FLIGHT is Lynette Eason at her best. She expertly weaves together characters you can’t help but fall in love with. You root for Penny and Holt to find a way past their insecurities and flaws, and realize they have what it takes to make a relationship work. I found their story unique in a refreshing way. Though they have life issues to overcome, it’s not some ultra-dramatic, against-all-odds kind of obstacles. It’s just two people with insecurities who don’t want to make more mistakes in life.

I absolutely recommend LIFE FLIGHT to anyone who enjoys edge-of-your-seat fiction. The only possible downside, some might find, is its lack of a Christian presence throughout the book. It doesn’t stand out front and center, but it presents itself in a more subliminal way through the faith and actions of the characters.

I was provided a copy of this book from Revell Publishing in exchange for a review. All opinions are my own.