Thursday, September 08, 2011

The Bishop (The Patrick Bowers Files, #4)The Bishop by Steven James

My rating: 5 of 5 stars

THE BISHOP, book four in the Patrick Bowers Thriller series, continued the pace of the previous three, while upping the ante with intensity and an even darker undertone, if that is possible. We meet the murderous duo on the very first page, and follow them through their bizarre and psychotic killing spree. While trying to piece together the clues Bowers unearths, I found myself swaying from one possible suspect to another. With so many twists and turns, red herrings and rabbit trails, I wasn’t able to guess one of the assailants at all, while the other one seemed unfathomable but never far from thought.

The relationship between Bowers and his step-daughter, Tessa, continued to mature even though Tessa connected with her biological father. With all the pretenses Tessa has shown, it was great to see her feelings for Bowers deepen. Her wit and intelligence moved her past the bratty teenager stage into the realm of being a great sparing opponent for Patrick. Their growing bond made their characters so rich and attractive.

Though Patrick continues to fumble through his relationships with the opposite sex, I tried not to hold that against Steven James. I’ve yet to read a novel from a male author that could deliver the romance women are looking for. But then again, all is forgiven when a writer can deliver such an intense and tightly woven thriller.

Onto THE QUEEN, the fifth installment

View all my reviews

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