Sunday, June 03, 2012

My Review - Shadow in Serenity

SHADOW IN SERENITY was a unique book that I quickly found myself engulfed in.
Carny Sullivan grew up the child of traveling carnival con artists.  She can spot a con from a mile away. And because of that, the minute Logan Brisco blows into town she knows he’s a con just waiting to happen.  She calls him on it publically, but he quickly diffuses her claims.  Carny is determined to expose Logan before he fleeces the town of Serenity of everything they have.
As Carny watches Logan’s every move and does her best to trip him up, she makes one mistake.  She allows herself to get too close to the dashing man with the easy smile and soon finds there is more to the man they she counted on.  With the town’s people in love with him, and willing to follow him to the ends of the earth, Carny is torn.  Maybe he isn’t the swindler she thought him to be, or is she, along with everyone else in Serenity going to fall prey to the ultimate con.
This story was very captivating.  I found myself torn between Carny getting the opportunity to show the people of Serenity that she in fact is right in her analysis of Logan, and me wanting Logan to turn out to be a standup guy.  Without spoiling it for others, this story has an ending that satisfied both of my desires. 
With the unique setting and colorful characters, SHADOW OF SERENITY was a fresh approach to an otherwise basic premise. 

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