CHASING SUNSETS follows Kimberly Tucker as she navigates her life after divorce. Not understanding where her marriage went wrong, she struggles with singleness while her ex-husband is living the high life. Her two sons are her life, and when her ex manipulates the courts so their sons will spend the summer with him, Kimberly heads to Cedar Key, her beachfront childhood vacation home. While there, she gets in touch with things from her past she refused to acknowledge, and takes a second chance on Steven Granger, the first love of her life.
CHASING SUNSETS was such a unique story; I easily breezed through it over a busy weekend. Eva Marie Everson’s characters are so likeable. Though not perfect by any means, Kimberly and Steven were genuine and solid. Nothing amazing stood out in this story of self discovery, but it was just so nicely put together. Very enjoyable.
“Available June 2011 at your favorite bookseller from Revell, a division of Baker Publishing Group.”
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