THE DEEPEST WATERS by Dan Walsh is a remarkable story of faith and love, even amidst despair.
John and Laura Foster board the SS Vandervere for a honeymoon voyage to John’s family home in New York. When a hurricane damages the craft beyond repair, a ship comes to its aid. The Cutlass takes on the women and children, but when night falls they are unable to save the men of the sinking vessel.
Laura is forced to part from her beloved John, and soon realizes that though she was saved, John would be lost forever. Not knowing what her future holds, she tries to stay strong, knowing John’s family will be waiting for her when she reaches New York. When she reads a note John left for her she realizes not only does John’s family not know about their marriage, but that theirs and John’s relationship was at best estranged. Laura finds herself feeling utterly alone and unable to see any future without John.
John Foster keeps afloat on a piece of wreckage from the Vandervere. His thoughts are solely on his Laura, and his determination to once again see her and have her in his arms. As one of only fifty-three survivors who were able to stay afloat for days after the Vandervere sank, he tries to hold on. When they are rescued by the Angeline, and the Angeline takes them to Norfolk, John’s only thought is to get to New York to find Laura, but wonders how he will find her once he gets there.
THE DEEPEST WATERS was a fascinating read. I never felt edge-of-my-seat suspense even among the devastation because the characters were so even keel (no pun intended). They handled the disaster and drama surrounding them with such calm, I think it took away from some of the building drama the writer intended. That said, I still enjoyed the story and the information at the end of the book regarding what it was that inspired the author's story.
Book provided for review purposes.
“Available April 2011 at your favorite bookseller from Revell, a division of Baker Publishing Group.”
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